Middle Sackville offer both suburban and country living just a short commute to either Halifax or Dartmouth. Middle Sackville is a growing area with most real estate being found on larger lots in a country setting. Most neighbourhoods are middle to upper-middle class with new development offerings at Sunset Ridge and Twin Brooks or upper end homes on Springfield Lake. The recently opened Margeson Drive Exchange allows quick access to highway 101 for easy routes to the city or Annapolis Valley. For more history and information on Middle Sackville, visit Wikipedia

Below is a selection of MLS® listing pages and other resources relating to real estate in Middle Sackviile:

Middle Sackviile Real Estate Quick Stats

The following stats are based on current MLS® listed properties. Curious to know the value of your home? Contact your Halifax Real Estate Agent today!

Single Family Detached

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price

Vacant Lot(s) And Acreages

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price

New Construction (Detached)

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price