A popular location for trendy urbanites for its quick proximity to the culture, venues and events offered downtown and the ability to walk to work, real estate sales in downtown Halifax are comprised mainly of condo sales but also town/row houses and older 2 storey homes. Depending on the exact area, it is not uncommon to find homes without parking as there are many row houses on narrow (but deep) lots. There are many opportunities to build equity in older homes and some streets have seen great transformations in recent years and offerings of truly stunning renovated homes come to market now and then. This area is home to CFB Stadacona and one of the oldest churches in North America.

Generally speaking, the downtown Halifax area is between Robie St to the West and Barrington St to the East, Cogswell St to the south and Young St to the north.

Below is a selection of MLS® listing pages and other resources relating to real estate in Downtown of Halifax:

Downtown Halifax Real Estate Quick Stats

The following stats are based on current MLS® listed properties. Curious to know the value of your home? Contact your Halifax Real Estate Agent today!

Single Family Detached

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price


Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price

Income Property (multi-Family)

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price