For those looking for country living just outside of the city, Hammonds Plains real estate offers something for everyone. From first time buyer options to posh high end homes, there is a well balanced mix of older and newer homes and neighbourhoods. Popular subdivisions such as Kingswood, White Birch Hills, Voyager Lakes, Highland Park and the luxurious Glen Arbour golf community are just a few of the standout locations many families call home. Split entry and 2 storey homes are most common. Exit 5 on the 103 Highway offers quick access to the city (or western shore) and a plethora of amenities such as groceries (Sobeys and SuperStore), fast food, gas, public library, community recreation centre, drugs store, Canadian Tire and more. For more history and information on Hammonds Plains, visit Wikipedia

Below is a selection of MLS® listing pages and other resources relating to real estate in Hammonds Plains:

Hammonds Plains Real Estate Quick Stats

The following stats are based on current MLS® listed properties. Curious to know the value of your home? Contact your Halifax Real Estate Agent today!

Single Family Detached

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price

Vacant Lots & Acreages

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price

New Construction (Detached)

Total Listings
AVG List Price
MAX List Price
MIN List Price